JJ vs the Digital Whale

Louis Landry

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JJ VS THE DIGITAL WHALE is a classic rock concept album in the style of Pink Floyd's "Animals" or Flaming Lips' "Yoshimi." It tells the ancient story of Jonah and the Whale through a modern lens. Jonah becomes "JJ," while the whale is portrayed as the constant barrage of electronics, media, and technology which surround us all. Through this

JJ VS THE DIGITAL WHALE is a classic rock concept album in the style of Pink Floyd's "Animals" or Flaming Lips' "Yoshimi." It tells the ancient story of Jonah and the Whale through a modern lens. Jonah becomes "JJ," while the whale is portrayed as the constant barrage of electronics, media, and technology which surround us all. Through this device, the narrative transcends its roots in Christian, Jewish and Islamic culture and offers new perspective on connections in our disconnected world.

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